Lounsberry NTO-1 "Nigel" Analogue FET Preamp
€ 239,00
"Nigel" multi stage analog FET preamp/overdrive
The Nigel, originally designed as a guitar pedal is a very responsive overdrive that can go from warm semi-clean to full on classic rock crunch. It works well for keyboards and synths too, because at it's heart it is basically a HiFi preamp with overdrive. It retains clarity and works well with complex chord shapes such as Maj7 chords (dime it and play a Maj7 chord and be surprised).
The Nigel pedal is a multi stage overdrive that uses FETs to simulate vacuum tubes and both Schottky, and NOS Germanium diodes in the clipping stage, driving a FET output amp that gets Creamy and FAT as it saturates. The package is finished off with custom Steam Punk Graphics by artist, Mark Hershberger, with Gold Speed Knobs over a copper color powder coated enclosure.
power through 9v battery or power supply DC jack